pattern memory

英 [ˈpætn ˈmeməri] 美 [ˈpætərn ˈmeməri]

网络  内存; 图像存储器; 高速存储器; 图像记忆



  1. It is relatively easy to identify the pattern that causes browser memory leaks. Finding the source of the issue in your application source code can be more difficult.
  2. You may be concerned about the application's memory usage pattern: Is it using too much memory?
  3. The firing pattern of these cells forms the animals'spatial memory and can predict which way the animal will turn, even if it makes a wrong move.
  4. Study on the Fading Pattern of Drivers 'Short-term Memory of Traffic Signs
  5. A Study on Fading Pattern of Drivers 'Short Memory of Traffic Signs
  6. The present study explored the processing pattern of short-term temporal order memory and the serial position effects during its processes by the way of judging the temporal order of the items.
  7. There are several academic explanations on the ERP pattern on the memory retrieval. However, it is necessary to lucubrate more and farther for auditory memory, Chinese word memory, and their neural mechanism.
  8. The Pattern of Differential DIGITAL MEMORY FOR REEL DIAMETER
  9. A New Self-Adaptive Learning Rule for Multiple Pattern Pairs Fuzzy Associative Memory
  10. Compared to novices, experts have meaningful perceptual pattern, quickly action, exceptional memory, deeper problem representation, better self-regulatory skill, etc.
  11. Cognitive style is a constant and habitual personal pattern in the process of perception, memory and thinking, and is an individual diversity in the process of information organization as well.
  12. Study of concurrency programming pattern and pooled memory allocation using ACE
  13. The artificial neural networks have been widely used in very kinds of areas, especially they are paid great attention to the applications in intelligent system of nonlinear modeling, design of controller, pattern classification and recognition, association memory and optimal calculation.
  14. The IC is a 128 pattern ( 32x4), memory mapping, and multi-function LCD driver.
  15. A Chaotic Neural Network and its Applications in Separation of Superimposed Pattern and Many-to-Many Associative Memory
  16. This approach efficiently utilizes the locality pattern of memory accessing to quicken the checking processes of integrity.
  17. The study of intentional forgetting is another experimental pattern of memory study, it is an effective way about thinking control research.
  18. The control system of family computer embroider machine mostly adopts a single slice microprocessor, expanding to save more pattern data through external system memory.
  19. It can be used as a sort of information for language recording, transmission and technical pattern memory.
  20. Owning to immune system's powerful information processing capabilities, such as feature extraction, pattern recognition, learning, memory, and its distributive nature, immune algorithm ( IA) has emerged, and gradually been applied to many engineering practices.
  21. A Pattern Generator for Testing High Speed Memory
  22. Some essential co-related problems such as the capacity of pattern memory, the working speed, the interface form are studied.
  23. Method Tests of pattern memory, scanning memory, continuous recognition memory and space memory were conducted on 18 healthy young male subjects during exposure to 300 m ( control), 2800 m, 3600 m and 4400 m altitude in hypobaric chamber.
  24. It has designed the union pattern of distributional and central memory of historical data.
  25. Artificial Neural Network ( ANN) can approximate any complex nonlinear system, has good pattern recognition, adaptive learning and memory ability, such as associative memory.
  26. The study of intentional forgetting is another experimental pattern of memory study. It emphasizes it is intentional and directed and is different to spontaneous forgetting.
  27. To improve the analysis efficiency in all-graphic analyzing environment, by combination of design pattern methodology, a graph state memory algorithm that is independent of massive channel data is proposed. The Undo/ Redo function is realized.
  28. However, clustering algorithm enlightened from biological immune system has great advantages at data processing, pattern recognition, fast memory and learning.
  29. Hopfield neural network algorithm improved by storing the pattern into blocks of memory, associative memory, avoiding the memory mode can not be too close to the problem.
  30. Many investigations have demonstrated that arsenic causes neurotoxicity including impairment of learning and deterioration in pattern memory in humans and animals.